Our Story

Our Story

Founder Tom Palmer began his career in the learning field as a trainer and curriculum developer in 2009. After a number of frustrating years dealing with the realities of low engagement and soul-sucking training events, he knew there must be a better way. 
When Tom got involved in a forward-thinking community of disruptive learning designers in 2013, lightbulbs began to go off. A new way of learning and working together was emerging that would save us all from the mind-numbing, spoon-fed programming, info-dump learning experiences we had all come to barely tolerate. 
The Continuous Learning Company was born from this experience, with the mission of helping L&D teams grow into new value-adding roles by developing capabilities and cultures of continuous learning.
It is our conviction that L&D as a field and as a community has the potential to become a powerful catalyst for the systemic change that is needed for us to survive and thrive on Earth.
Our proven approach flies in the face of many conventional talent development practices – outdated relics of our industrial past which are informed by behaviorism and the study of controlling rats in a lab.
To get where we are going, people can no longer be treated like lab rats, nor like soulless machines to be programmed.
A better way is emerging. One in which our work in L&D is helping to creating more engaging and more meaningful experiences for everyone.
This is the experience and the legacy we have helped our clients create.
How can we help you?
Let’s have a friendly chat and explore possibilities! Schedule a time to talk below
Tom with his wife Francisca, daughter Sofia, and son "Tomasito"

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